Cyber Forensics



Explore the World of Cyber Forensics with Tekkis

Welcome to cyber forensics, where specialized expertise at Tekkis meets digital challenges head-on. We are a leading platform committed to safeguarding your digital integrity.

Let's Get Started

What's the mission of Tekkis Cyber Forensics?

Our cyber forensics includes analyzing data; analyzing saved and deleted data that has been tampered with; investigating websites; and preserving, reviewing and presenting our expert evidence before you and the courts.

We will do everything in our power to help you respond swiftly to a cyber incident, restore access and functionality to your IT data, minimize the impact of the attack and eliminate the root cause of the issue.

Range of Secured and Customized Forensic Services by Tekkis


Digital Forensics


Ransomware Incident Response


Data Preservation and Protection


Data Recovery and Analysis


Expert Testimony


eDiscovery Forensics

Cyber forensics plays a vital role in legal proceedings and eases the location, securing, and analysis of digital data. Since our inception, we are leading the industry with innovative products and services. The applications of our cyber forensics’ services are diverse and indispensable. Our certified professionals include preventing awkward hacking attempts and combating data breaches to address identity theft, intellectual property infringement, fraud, and network intrusions. Cyber forensic firms like Tekkis are pivotal in tackling the ever-growing risks presented by cyber threats and ensuring evidence's admissibility in court by establishing an unmistakable chain of custody.

Let's Get Started

Hire Tekkis and experience the benefits of our cyber forensic services.

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